The most pressing problem in a journey without an objective destination is how to begin. I don't know how, I still don't know and i've come to realize that I never will. So rather than meekly yield to the paralysis of indecision as I always have before, Im just gonna start. Im not happy with my life and i haven't been for as long as i can remember. This is not to say I'm a generally unhappy person and I've certainly had a number of edifying experiences, met amazing people, and largely enjoyed myself along the way. Yet its always been apparent that Im not the person I want to be and tragically have taken few if any objective steps in that direction. Time served to amplify this warning yet I chose to ignore it, gradually shrinking from the challenges of life. Well that shit is done, from this point forward Im going to be who i want to be, embracing and directing change in order to become the ideal conception of myself, by my own completely selfish standards. Fundamentally this is a process, a sort of never-ending journey filled with innumerable missteps, stumbles and wrong turns. This will not deter me, on the contrary, how would i know the right way except by comparison to the wrong.
So why the blog? From a purely practical perspective I want an excruciatingly honest account of my journey to keep me motivated along the way. This will be the place for formal goal setting, tracking progress and recording insights. Ill begin with minor daily objective goals, hopefully progressing to heretofore unconcieved long term ones. Also, I'd like to create a platform for interacting with people of similiar mind/desires for as neglected/important as face to face connection is it seems foolish to ignore the literally boundless resource of the internet. Hopefully i can contribute something of value to this as well. Ultimately of course i want to see where this goes, what this can become, what I can become. I have no idea where i'm going, no certain method of getting there, but Im starting anyway...Now!
GOAL FOR THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 20th 2012: Publish second blog post by 11 am.
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